Sunday, July 28, 2013

Open Face Egg Sandwich

Today I was in need of a quick lunch.  I started to reach for a piece of bread to make toast and then remembered how quick, easy, and filling an open face egg sandwich can be!  We've had a great supply of lettuce in pots on our deck so it's nice to find uses for it other than salads too.

Side note, if I can grow lettuce in Alaska then surely you can grow it where you are!  We had good luck with Black Seeded Simpson, Cut & Come Again leaves, & Spinach.  Try it, it's fun :)

1 slice of whole grain sprouted bread
1/2 tablespoon organic butter
1 organic egg
1 slice of organic cheese
1  leaf of lettuce
salsa or slice of tomato

  1. Toast bread in toaster
  2. Melt butter in skillet over medium heat
  3. Crack egg in to skillet, break yolk, season with salt and pepper
  4. Cook until mostly set then flip to finish cooking on other side
  5. I sliced off a little organic cheese and placed on top to melt
  6. Place lettuce on toast, add egg, top with salsa or slice of tomato
Voila!  A quick and healthy snack or meal. 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Organic Grass Fed Ground Beef Jackpot

A couple of months ago, after watching some enlightening documentaries, we decided to cut meat out of our diet.  Not totally, we're definitely not vegetarians, and my carnivore-hunting husband could never commit to such a thing.  However, I quit buying commercially processed meat during my weekly shopping trips and I no longer build our meals around a meat source.

We still enjoy meat every once in a while which is how I stumbled upon this deal.  I added bison chili to our weekly meal plan and headed to the meat department.  I was immediately drawn to the sale tag in front of the organic grass fed ground beef.  At first I thought maybe it was a mistake so I asked the store employee walking by.  He confirmed the price and I started throwing pound after pound of meat in my cart.  I hit the Organic Grass Fed Ground Beef Jackpot!  Who cares that I haven't been cooking with meat much.  I couldn't pass up a good sale!  It was either $1.99/lb for beef or $9.99/lb for bison.  Yep, no question! 

So, now we have 25 pounds of beef in the freezer for our future enjoyment.  Score!