Friday, December 27, 2013

Cloth Diaper Wipe Spray

I was a late bloomer in the cloth diaper game....we used disposables for our first child and up until 2 years old with our second child.  I had intentions of starting sooner with him but we had a long year of transitioning and moving so I wanted to wait until we were settled.

Once I splurged on cloth diapers I figured it only made sense for me to use cloth wipes as well.  I decided to use the spray bottle method.  I stack the wipes (or accordion fold them in an old Huggies wipes container when I'm motivated) and then spray them individually as I use them. The spray is super easy to make!

Cloth Wipe Spray Solution
1 Tablespoon Organic Olive Oil (almond, jojoba, fractionated coconut oil, etc will also work)
1 Tablespoon Dr Bronner's Baby Mild Liquid Castile Soap
2 Drops Tea Tree Essential Oil
2 Drops Lavender Essential Oil
8-12 Ounces Filtered Water

Pour all ingredients in a spray bottle then turn upside down to mix before use. Spray on wipes as needed.  

Note: This recipe is very forgiving.  I don't measure it anymore, just pour in a little oil,a little soap, couple drops of each essential oil, then fill to the top with water.  Enjoy! 

Disclaimer - The product link on this web page is an Amazon affiliate link.

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